
He Came Towards Them Walking on the Sea

This meditation is based on a passage for January 28, 2011 in the Daily Lectionary Year 1 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).

Text: Mark 6:47-56

Reflection and Question: Both Mark and Matthew describe the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. In my youth I read an explanation that suggested Jesus was stepping on boulders which is plausible, I guess, but unsatisfactory. It neglects the whole point of this story and many others: the way Jesus was terrifying in His power and presence. Yet, He always reassures the disciples as He does here, saying “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.” Mark ends the passage by connecting it to the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, equally astounding, if a bit less scary. When has your heart been hardened and when has it been open to miracles?

Prayer: Jesus, our Brother and Savior, with the disciples, we can be terrified of Your power in our world. But do not find our hearts hardened like theirs. Calm our fears so that we may understand You and follow You in accord with Your desire for us. Amen.